Health Tips, Thoughts and Inspirations
The content of this blog will vary, dependent on the topic I feel led to share with you. My prayer is that it will be a blessing to those who choose to read it.
![]() The past few months, I have been working on paying attention to my self-talk. In other words, taking responsibility and authority over my thought life. This is not an easy task! I recently had my 50th birthday, which means there were some bad habits that were deeply ingrained into my brain. I had mentioned this at Bible Study this past winter, when I stated that I cannot control my brain. A very dear, precious, godly woman who I adored gave me a stern (and much needed) talking-to. She looked me in the eyes and informed me that I was not to speak that way anymore and stand on Scripture instead, speaking it out loud, and gaining control of this important area of my life. She has since gone home to be with Jesus, and so her words ring in my spirit even more than they did the day she said them. I took them to heart, knowing that she was speaking the truth in love. Such precious wisdom from a precious lady. What lies are you believing about yourself? Your past? Are there word curses and criticisms that others have spoken over you? Are you putting yourself down, thinking that you aren't enough? Do you believe that the mistakes of your past are too horrible, too big, and that you need to carry them around with you for the rest of your life? Have you, like me, had a broken record playing in your head over and over again? Dear, sweet friend, if this is you, I want you to know in the depths of your heart that these words you are speaking over yourself are not true. They are not how your Heavenly Father sees you at all, and He knows everything about you! I want you to know that I have been there, and I am still battling this along with you. Although I have made progress, by the grace of God, I still have work to do. How can we turn this around? I'm going to be honest with you. It won't happen by us merely wishing that it would change, that WE would change. There is an element of work involved. Compare it to wanting our physical body to look different. Will that happen by sitting on the couch, staying up late, consuming junk? If only! Of course, the answer to that is a resounding "no." Just as we have to make intentional changes such as exercise, eat more healthfully, drink water, and go to bed at a reasonable time to change our physical health, we need to take steps to change our thought life. You may want to start with paying closer attention to the thoughts that run through your head on a daily basis. Writing them down will be a huge reality check! Now, are all these things true? Are you replaying the past? Is that list filled with putting yourself down, thinking that you are not good enough, not smart enough, just plain NOT ENOUGH? Would you talk to your friends with these same words? It is time to replace those words with TRUTH. Truth of how God sees you, for He says that you are enough just as He created you. The enemy got in and has kept us down by keeping us from knowing how much God loves us. Jesus died on the cross for us to have an abundant life, not a life filled with self-criticism and condemnation. How can we walk this out? As I mentioned earlier, replacing those harmful thoughts with Scripture is effective in many ways. It is not enough to try in our own strength to stop the negative. We must replace it with the positive to get those weeds of self-hate and self-condemnation yanked out. It helps me to personalize the Scripture by either putting my name in it or stating it in the first person (I, me, mine, etc). You will notice that I have done this in examples below to make it a bit easier for you. Some of the Scriptures I have used as my weapons of warfare in this battle are: Psalm 139:14 "I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well." Ephesians 2:10 For I am his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that I should walk in them. Romans 8:1-2 I am free forever from condemnation. Romans 8:31-34 I am free from any charge against me. Colossians 1:14 I have been redeemed and forgiven. Colossians 2:10 I am complete in Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5 I destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ. These are a few examples. If I attempted to list all of the Scriptures that you can speak over yourself to replace the negative words and thoughts, it would be pages and pages long! I have found that the best way for me to change things around is to speak words such as these out loud, rather than read them silently. There is something powerful about hearing your own voice saying the truth about you. You can post them throughout your house to remind you, or whatever works best for you to keep reminding yourself that the way you've been thinking is about to (and needs to) change. Over time, this will become your automatic response to those lies! This is not an exercise in improving your self-image for the sake of self. This is a spiritual, Godly practice to renew your mind to how God sees you, not only to improve your own life. It will also change your relationships with others and perhaps when you hear someone you love speaking negatively about themselves, you will be equipped to lovingly, carefully, help them know that how they are seeing and talking is keeping them from God's best for their lives. I challenge you to take this on, beginning today. Don't wait to renew your mind and step into all God has for you, His beloved child. I am praying for you! In Memory of Rose If you would like more Scripture passages that will be helpful to you, a PDF is available at this link: |
AuthorWelcome! My name is Tami Gabrielson. I help women with IBS find relief through a whole foods approach, simple lifestyle changes, and supplementation. I am a Board Certified Naturopath, Digestive Health Professional, Certified Health Coach and a Certified Natural Health Professional. I am passionate about holistic health which involves nurturing body, mind and spirit, each of which are intricately intertwined with each other. Archives
December 2023
![]() Restoring Wellness
Tami Gabrielson Board Certified Naturopath Digestive Health Professional Certified Health Coach Certified Natural Health Professional |
[email protected]
320-841-0225 |